Customer and property management
Together with the best collaborators coming from prestigious retail companies, NAM has implemented its unique management know-how, optimizingthus every single m2 under operations.NAM has created a unique KPI dashboard in order to assess the results of the assets under management; therefore, NAM develops specific tools for every asset and every client. NAM’S management is unique and innovative and focuses on profitability.
It is not just about “management”, but about “how to manage”:
- Statistic Monitoring :data reports on a regular basis to both the Landlord and the Tenants in order to share a common vision and identify improvement areas;
- Quality Monitoring : point of sales audit, visual merchandising analysis etc in order to set up common strategies for raising the shopping experience of the visitors.
NAM’S active property management insides into assets profitability and optimizes rental revenues throughout any type of action expected to boost tenant’s turnover.
For example:
- (Re)negotiations of contracts of lease based on GLA and/or sales performance;
- Workshops for tenants’staff (Visual Merchandising,Sales technics etc..);
- Competitors survey;
- Price controls to ensure the competitiveness of the outlet centre etc...